The Tiger Claw Elite KungFuMagazine.com Championship will have 5 Overall Grand Champions. These are limited to the Advanced Grand Champions of the three External Divisions: Traditional Kung Fu, Songshan Shaolin, and Modern Wushu. The Overall Grand Champion does NOT include Tai Chi/Internal Divisions and is NOT separated by gender. The Division Grand Champions of each age bracket for Traditional Kung Fu, Songshan Shaolin, and Modern Wushu will compete on the main stage in the Evening Finale on Saturday night. Failure to show at the Evening Finale waives any contender’s right to claim the title. The 5 Overall Grand Champions are:

Overall Grand Champion (5)

7-8 Adv.

9-10 Adv.

11-13 Adv.

14-17 Adv.

18+ Adv.